Monday, July 26, 2010

Andy Platt - The Skillful Leader

On Monday, July 19 - Madison-Oneida BOCES sponsored a workshop, "Skillful Leader 1: Confronting Mediocre Teaching" presented by A. Platt.

This was an excellent workshop that defined what constitutes excellent teaching.

What does excellence in teaching look like?
- love kids' learning (not just loving "kids")
- experts in content & pedagogy
- classroom mgmt
- time mgmt = many learning opportunities - "bell to bell"
- trust /buy-in
- focused feedback (specifics)
- high expectations

What do students want from their teachers?
- encouragement
- interest in their lives
- high expectations; support risk taking / challenge / rigor
- mastery; opportunities to redo work and get credit for it
- underlying beliefs

For more information go to:

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