Monday, May 22, 2017

Two great recorded webinars

Technology to Aid the Struggling Reader - sponsored by SLJ and ISTE.  Three panelists:  Michele Haiken - Rye MS English teacher, K.C. Boyd - Lead Librarian East St. Louis (IL) School District, and Cynthia Merrill   - Literacy Consultant.  Michele talked about using gaming to engage students in reading.  K.C. talked about and showed some databases for student engagement in literacy (some that are in NOVELNY:  KIDS INFOBITS  and OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS).  Cynthia talked about and showed how she has been working with school districts to create selfie stations where students singly and in pairs create short videos to answer questions and talk about their engagement in reading.

Promoting Inclusion, Social Equity, and Diversity in Your Library - sponsored by Follett but not related to anything specific to Follett.   Three panelists: K.C. Boyd - Lead Librarian East St. Louis (IL) School District,  Michelle Martin - Beverly Cleary Professor of Children and Youth Services in the Information School at the University of Washington, Craig Seasholes - Teacher-Librarian Seattle Public Schools, Seattle, WA, and author Lynda Mullaly Hunt.