Monday, July 7, 2008

Standards for the Digital Learners of New York

In Fall 2008, NYLA Executive Director Michael J. Borges was appointed by the Governor to the NYS Universal Broadband Council and was asked to Chair the Digital Literacy and Community Outreach Action Team. Mr. Borges's co-chair of this Action Team is Board of Regent Joseph Bowman. Part of the Action Team's mandate was to develop Information Literacy Standards for the Digital Learners of New York, which NYLA hopes will be adopted by both the Universal Broadband Council and the NYS Board of Regents.

In response to this initiative, NYLA created a Task Force made up of distinguished librarians from around the state to work together to develop Information Literacy Standards that could be utilized in a P-20 environment and beyond.

Link to Standards for the Digital Learners of New York

Eric Carle giveaway

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Your own Avatar

Make up your own Avatar for free. Silly but fun!

Created using the Otaku Avatar Maker.